While some players like to toil away at Bethesda games like Starfield, dedicating their time to finding everything they need to build the perfect outpost, others will prefer to take a shorter route to success. Resource IDs will allow you to enter a code into the command console and give yourself items and resources. This is very useful, so feel free to take advantage when building your outposts.
How to use console commands
Console commands are pretty easy to use. You just need to open the command console. There are two ways to open the command console on PC. You can hit the tilde (~) key. If that doesn’t work, then the @ will do the job. After that, you are free to enter whatever command you like.
You will need to use the code player.additem X value with X being the code from the table below and value being the number of them you wish to give your character.
All resource IDs
The list below is laid out in alphabetical order, so all you need to do is scan down until you find the item you want, then use the above command console in conjunction with the relevant code to get as many of the items as you wish.
Resource | ID |
Adaptive Frame | 00246B6A |
Adhesive | 000055B1 |
Aldumite | 00005DEC |
Aldumite Drilling Rig | 00202F5A |
Alien Genetic Material | 000C1F57 |
Alkane | 00005570 |
Aluminium | 0000557D |
Amino Acid | 000055CD |
Analgesic | 000055B1 |
Antibiotics | 002F4436 |
Antimicrobial | 000055AB |
Antimony | 0000557B |
Argon | 00005588 |
Aromatic | 000055B8 |
Aurora | 002C5884 |
Austenitic Manifold | 00246B7C |
Battlestim | 002A5024 |
Benzene | 00005585 |
Beryllium | 000057D9 |
Biosuppressant | 000055B2 |
Black Hole Heart | 00122EA8 |
Caelumite | 000788D6 |
Caesium | 000057DF |
Carboxylic Acid | 00005586 |
Chlorine | 0000557C |
Chlorosilane | 0000557E |
Cobalt | 00005575 |
Comm Relay | 00246B64 |
Control Rod | 00246B7B |
Copper | 00005576 |
Cosmetic | 000055A8 |
CQB-X | 0029A85E |
Credits | 0000000F |
Digipick | 0000000A |
Drilling Rig | 0020A02F |
Dwarf Star Heart | 00122EB6 |
Dysprosium | 00005569 |
Emergency Kit | 002A9DE8 |
Europium | 000057E1 |
Fiber | 000055AF |
Fiber Root | 00260DF0 |
Fiber Tissue | 0024F5C3 |
Flourine | 00005577 |
Gastronomic Delight | 0000559D |
Gold | 00005579 |
Hallucinogen | 0029CAD9 |
Heart+ | 0029CAD9 |
Helium-3 | 0000558E |
High-Tensile Spidroin | 000055AA |
Hippolyta | 002C5883 |
Hypercatalyst | 0029F40D |
Immunostimulant | 000055B3 |
Indicite | 0004BA37 |
Indicite Wafer | 00203EB4 |
Infantry Alpha | 0029A85C |
Ionic Liquid | 0000557A |
Iridium | 0000558A |
Iron | 0000556E |
Isocentered Magnet | 00246B77 |
Isotopic Coolant | 00246B76 |
Lead | 00005568 |
Lithium | 0000557F |
Lubricant | 000055BA |
Luxury Textile | 0000559E |
Mag Pressure Tank | 00246B70 |
Med Pack | 0000ABF9 |
Membrane | 000055B0 |
Memory Substrate | 0000559B |
Mercury | 0027C4A1 |
Metabolic Agent | 0029F3FC |
Microsecond Regulator | 00246B5F |
Molecular Sieve | 00246B75 |
Monopropellant | 00246B74 |
Neodymium | 00005580 |
Neon | 00005587 |
Neurologic | 0029F409 |
Nickel | 00005572 |
Nuclear Fuel Rod | 00246B79 |
Nutrient | 000777FD |
Ornamental Material | 000055A7 |
Palladium | 00005574 |
Paramagnon Conductor | 00246B73 |
Pigment | 0029F400 |
Platinum | 00005573 |
Plutonium | 0000558C |
Polymer | 000055A6 |
Polytextile | 00246B72 |
Positron Battery | 00246B71 |
Power Circuit | 00246B5C |
Reactive Gauge | 00246B6F |
Rothicite Magnet | 00203EB2 |
Sealant | 000055CC |
Sedative | 000055AD |
Semimetal Wafer | 00246B6D |
Silver | 0000556A |
Solvent | 000055CE |
Spice | 000055AC |
Squall | 002A9DE7 |
Sterile Nanotubes | 00246B6C |
Stimulant | 000055AE |
Structural Hide | 00261275 |
Structural Material | 000055B9 |
Subgiant Heart | 00122EB1 |
Substrate Molecule Sieve | 00202782 |
Supercooled Magnet | 00246B69 |
Synapse Alpha | 002C5880 |
Tantalum | 0000556F |
Tasine | 00005DED |
Tasine Superconductor | 00203EAF |
Tau Grade Rheostat | 00246B68 |
Tetraflourides | 00005578 |
Titanium | 0000556D |
Toxin | 000055CB |
Trauma Pack | 0029A847 |
Tungsten | 0000556B |
Uranium | 00005589 |
Vanadium | 0000558B |
Veryl | 00005DEE |
Veryl-Treated Manifold | 00203EB0 |
Vytinium | 00005DEF |
Vytinium Fuel Rod | 00203EB3 |
Water | 00005591 |
Whiteout | 00143CB2 |
Xenon | 000057DD |
Ytterbium | 00005571 |
Zero Wire | 00246B65 |
Zero-G Gimbal | 00246B66 |
Published: Sep 13, 2023 02:59 pm