The penultimate DLC in the Light and Dark saga is coming
Destiny 2: Lightfall launches February 28, 2023, and with pre-orders available now it can be tricky to understand which versions reap which rewards. There are plenty of incentives made available by Bungie to ensure Guardians worldwide lock in their copies of the new expansion, but which version should you be getting? Lightfall follows the story of 2022’s expansion, The Witch Queen, and sees players travel to the newly discovered city of Neomuna on Neptune. Lightfall also introduces the new Darkness subclass, Strand, and its new powers can be wielded on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation consoles.
Lightfall pre-order bonuses

Guardians will instantly receive access to a handful of bonuses when pre-ordering any edition of Lightfall. The first is an Exotic Neptune Ghost shell, which is available from the Cryptarch Master Rahool in the tower, or for brand new players, Shaw Han in the Cosmodrome. The second is a Legendary emblem called Neomuna Nights which is a neon purple and orange synth-wave-inspired affair.
Lightfall and Annual Pass pre-order bonuses

In addition to the standard pre-order bonuses, players can also opt to purchase Lightfall with the Annual Pass. This ensures Guardians will have access to all season passes for the duration of Lightfall. They will receive the Exotic Lightfall weapon, Quicksilver Storm which can be collected from Master Rahool or Shaw Han depending on whether the player is brand new to the game or not. Quicksilver Storm is an Exotic auto rifle described in-game as, “Cloud Strider weaponry that has somehow been reshaped and found its way into our hands”. This brand-new weapon will turn a shot into a homing “micro-rocket” after a handful of successfully landed hits, with the alternative to store these up and change the firing mode to a grenade launcher instead. Alongside this, the Exotic emote Tangled Strands can be equipped to see Guardians weaving fibers of Strand material before it’s present anywhere else in the game.
Standard Edition

The standard edition of Destiny 2: Lightfall will include a single season pass for the currently active season at the time of first login after buying the game. It will also include the brand-new Lightfall campaign which includes a Legendary version at higher difficulty, the brand-new raid launching on March 10, the new destination of Neptune and the city of Neomuna, new exotic gear and armor drops, and more.
Lightfall and Annual Pass

For Guardians who missed out on the pre-order, buying Lightfall with the Annual Pass includes all of the Standard Edition content as well as all four season passes for the duration of the Lightfall expansion. There will also be two new dungeons during this year, which will be included with purchasing this version. As well as this, the Exotic weapon Quicksilver Storm receives an ornament and catalyst, although the details of this are unclear as yet. There is also a premium seasonal content bundle included, and whilst the contents have not yet been revealed this is expected to include good weapon rolls and high-stat armor.
Collector’s Edition

This special version of Lightfall includes all of the content from the Lightfall and Annual Pass bundle, with some extra goodies. Guardians will receive the soundtrack to Lightfall alongside an eight-inch Pouka replica figure which has its own stand and LED lights. Players will also get the Vanguard lore books correlating to Lightfall and a letter from Zavala as well as a mini lithograph and vinyl sticker. There are also several collector’s edition emblem codes, including one which is unique. The codes have already been shared by Guardians online with the exception of the unique one, and jumping into the Tower today players will see many Guardians sporting those emblems already as these collector’s editions have begun to ship early.
With the launch of Lightfall creeping up, Guardians have been preparing for the new expansion by clearing vaults, hoarding bounties, and crafting weapons that are about to be content vaulted. There’s plenty to do in Destiny right now as preparations are well underway to welcome the new Darkness subclass, Strand.
Published: Feb 13, 2023 09:56 am