All Cursed Object Spawn Locations in Phasmophobia

You keep your Monkey Paw WHERE??

Phasmophobia: some of the cursed objects, like the Monkey Paw, in a glass case.

Just like the Tarot Cards, the Cursed Possession items in Phasmophobia can be equal parts useful and dangerous. While the equipment at your disposal is the best way to accurately identify the ghost type you’re dealing with, the addition of these special items gives a bit of an edge to each investigation.

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Whenever you begin a contract, a randomly pre-selected Cursed Possession object will spawn. You can also customize your settings and force the game to spawn a specific item, but where’s the mystery in that?

Much like any item in the game, a Cursed object has a unique ability, such as showing you the ghost room, triggering an interaction, forcing the ghost to manifest, etc. However, knowing where each one spawns is the first step, so here’s a quick guide on where to find all the Cursed Possession items across Phasmo‘s 11 (technically 12) maps.

6 Tanglewood Drive

Phasmophobia: Tanglewood Drive house, showing the living area.
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The map that most will be familiar with, Tanglewood Drive is the smallest location, essentially turning it into a contract for beginners or those who just want a quick game. It being so small means finding any spawned item is much easier, but newcomers might have a little bit of trouble with one or two of them.

Tarot CardsOn the small, round table in the far corner of the living room, it’s wedged between the sofa and the window.
Ouija BoardDown in the basement. It’s on a small table at the very back of the room.
Music BoxOn the shelf to the left as you walk into the nursery (the room on the left as you enter the left-hand corridor.)
Monkey PawSlightly more hidden. The Monkey Paw is in the white cabinet on the back wall of the dining room.
Haunted MirrorAs you go down the main hallway, the alcove to the left just before you go into the master bedroom. The mirror is on the wall.
Summoning CircleBack in the basement. It’s pretty easy to spot, as it takes up quite a bit of floor space where it’s been painted on.
Voodoo DollGo into the garage. In the far left-hand corner, you’ll see some trash cans. The Voodoo Doll is on top of one of them.

42 Edgefield Road

Phasmophobia: screenshot showing the living room at the Edgefield Road house.
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For all intents and purposes, this is the second map. Much like Tanglewood, Edgefield is small and easily manageable, but it does have more floors than its predecessor.

Tarot CardsImmediately after entering the house, turn to your right. You’ll find a small table featuring keys in a bowl and the cards next to this.
Ouija BoardIn the corner of the kitchen, there’s a door leading to a utility room. You’ll find the Ouija Board on the floor, almost under a shelving unit.
Music BoxYou’ll see this item in the living room on the left, sitting comfortably on the dresser.
Monkey PawFor this one, you’ll need to go upstairs. The Monkey Paw is in the orange bedroom on the right as you go upstairs, perched on a baby changing table.
Haunted MirrorTurn right as you enter the house and you’ll see the mirror on the wall at the bottom of the staircase.
Summoning CircleSimilar to Tanglewood, the Summoning Circle is in the basement, nestled between some shelves.
Voodoo DollGo upstairs and follow the hallway all the way around until you get to the blue bedroom. The Voodoo Doll will be on the bed.

10 Ridgeview Court

Phasmophobia: the garage in the Ridgeview Court house, showing two parked cars.
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Another pretty small location. Ridgeview Court also has three floors, as well as a ridiculously huge garage. Seriously, who needs a garage that big? In fact, a lot of the rooms in this home are pretty spacious. Someone’s doing well for themselves!

Tarot CardsVery similar to Edgefield. Just turn to your right as soon as you walk through the front door and look for the cards next to the keys.
Ouija BoardAs you walk down the main corridor past the kitchen/dining area, there’s a small utility room to the left where the Outija Board will be waiting on a shelf.
Music BoxSecond floor. Bedroom furthest away from the staircase as you go along the corridor. The Music Box is on a chest of drawers as you enter the purple room.
Monkey PawSecond floor again. This time, go to the right. The green bedroom on the right-hand side of the corridor houses the Monkey Paw on a desk, next to a closed laptop.
Haunted MirrorOnce you enter the house, walk towards the basement door, slightly left and ahead of you. The mirror is on the wall opposite the stairs going down.
Summoning CircleSummoning Circles seem to love basements. This one is no different. It’s on the floor between the main door and the lockers.
Voodoo DollGo all the way down the corridor and past the utility room. There’s a piano on the left with a blue bench where you’ll find this item.

13 Willow Street

Phasmophobia: screenshot of the Willow Street house, showing the living room, and the kitchen in the far back.
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It kind of feels like we’re just doing a tour of all these lovely houses as we search for the Cursed Possession item. Maybe we’re property hunting. Who knows? Anyway, Willow Street is the last of the suburban homes before we move on. You’ll soon miss the comfort of residential streets.

Tarot CardsWhen you walk through the front door, look to the round table on your right, next to the white sofa.
Ouija BoardGoing through to the dining area and turn left to enter the garage. From there, go round to the right to find a utility corner. The Ouija Board is on the washing machine.
Music BoxAnother easy one to locate. Turn left as you walk through the front door to find the item on the small dresser next to a photograph.
Monkey PawGo through the corridor at the back of the house, past the kitchen and bathroom on the right. The Monkey Paw is inside the white cabinet.
Haunted MirrorBack to the utility area of the garage. The mirror is propped up against the left-hand wall.
Summoning CircleGo down to the basement and you’ll see it clear as day as you follow the corridor to the first room.
Voodoo DollAs you go past the kitchen and bathroom, enter the bedroom on the right. The Voodoo Doll is hidden inside the cabinet, below the teddy bear.

Bleasdale Farmhouse

Phasmophobia: image showing the entryway and staircase in Bleasdale Farmhouse.
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For something a little more rustic, Bleasdale Farmhouse is a pretty home for the country bumpkin inside all of us. It’s also the first map we’ve looked at that has an attic, which in no way increases the creepy factor at all.

Tarot CardsThere’s an office to the left as you enter the farmhouse. The Tarot Cards are on the desk
Ouija BoardThis is in the workshop area of the location. You can actually get to this one easier by coming through the back exit. From the front door, you’ll need to come through the living room, through the kitchen on the left, then follow the corridor all the way around until you see the lockers and electric heater (and the back door). The Ouija Board will be on the work desk.
Music BoxBreaking with tradition, the Summoning Circle is in the attic on the left-hand side of the room as you go up the stairs.
Monkey PawUpstairs for this one. The Monkey Paw will spawn in the master bedroom, which is towards the end of the corridor and on the right just before you get to the attic stairs.
Haunted MirrorThis one is also in the office on the left, nailed to the wall between the armchair and lamp.
Summoning CircleBreaking with tradition, the Summoning Circle is in the attic on the left-hand side of the room as you go upstairs.
Voodoo DollFollow the second floor corridor all the way around, take a left and the Voodoo Doll will be on the leather chair in the corner.

Grafton Farmhouse

Phasmophobia: a dining area in a farmhouse, with a chair knocked over.
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A lovely little getaway for those who are tired of the hustle and bustle of city living. If you don’t mind the abject terror caused by hauntings, of course. Grafton is similar to Bleasdale in terms of style, but is somewhat smaller. It also only has two floors, which does make things easier.

Tarot CardsOn the table with the checkered cloth in the dining room, which is on the left as you walk through the main entrance.
Ouija BoardThis one is right in the far corner of the first floor. You need to go through the main entryway, to the right before you get to the living area, enter the bedroom on the left, then go to the right where there’s a utility room. The Ouija Board is in the middle of the floor.
Music BoxTo the right as you enter the farmhouse, there’s a bookshelf that’s slightly askew. The Music Box is on one of these shelves next to a potted plant.
Monkey PawGo through and turn right after the entranceway, then right again to enter a bedroom. The Monkey Paw spawns on the table on the far side of the room. Just ignore the axe.
Haunted MirrorIn the main entrance, the item will be on the wall somewhat to your left.
Summoning CircleGo upstairs and turn right to enter a bedroom. The Summoning Circle is on the floor in the storage room to the left of this room.
Voodoo DollThis will be in the bedroom on the left as you go up the stairs. More specifically, you’ll see it on a chest at the back of the room.

Camp Woodwind

Phasmophobia: Camp Woodwind with a fire lit at night and some lights around a tree.
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Our first exterior location (two in total – both campsites). Camp Woodwind is one of the newest maps in Phasmophobia. As such, I’m not overly familiar with this one, so bear with if I do get us a bit lost.

Tarot CardsTurn right as you enter. There are two gazebos. You want the one which has all the games near it. The Ouija Board is on a table next to some bowling pins.
Ouija BoardTurn right as you enter. There are two gazebos. You want the one which has all the games near it. The Outija Board is on a table next to some bowling pins.
Music BoxIn the yellow tent on the left-hand side as you enter the campsite. Located on a small table next to a green camping chair.
Monkey PawGo slightly to the left-hand side as you walk in until you see the purple tent at the back. You’ll find the Monkey Paw on wooden platform of some kind.
Haunted MirrorPropped up against the tree that’s covered in fairly lights right in the centre of the map.
Summoning CircleRemember those gazeebos we spoke about? The Summoning Circle is in the other one.
Voodoo DollSort of the very far side of the camping ground in front of a small, blue tent, which in itself is a next to a larger, red tent.

Maple Lodge Campsite

Phasmophobia: the log cabin in Maple Lodge, with silhouetted trees on the left.
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Now we’re getting into the big leagues. This is the first medium-sized map we’ve encountered. It also had its layout changed in the big update. Actually, thinking about it, Camp Woodwind is more in-line with what Maple Lodge sort of looked like. Anyway…

Tarot CardsAhead of you, go through to the unlit campfire. On the right is a white gazebo/tent where the Tarot Cards spawn on a small camping table.
Ouija BoardInside the blue tent on the left, just as you enter the campgrounds.
Music BoxGo around to the right until you come across the cabin. The Music Box is outside on a small table.
Monkey PawGo all the way to the right-hand side of the campsite, where you’ll find the Monkey Paw chilling on a green chair by the docks.
Haunted MirrorInside the blue tent on the left as you enter the camp grounds.
Summoning CircleBack to the log cabin. The Summoning Circle is inside, specifically on the floor in the living room.
Voodoo DollGo to the campfire on the left part of the map. The Voodoo Doll is just chilling there. Possibly singing “Come By Ya, My Lord.”


Phasmophobia: the entrance to the Prison map, showing the metal detectors.
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Definitely one of the more intimidating maps, especially if you’re playing Phasmophobia on your own. It isn’t as massive as the next two locations (still pretty big, though), and it is a fairly simple layout. Still…a haunted prison? Who’d want that? NOTE: All Cursed Possession items are within the main entranceway, which is very gracious of the developer.

Tarot CardsGo through the security checkpoint and the cards will be inside the grey, plastic tray on the desk.
Ouija BoardA bit further in, the Haunted Mirror is almost under the row of seats in the entranceway’s waiting area.
Music BoxInside one of the other trays at the checkpoint. It’s in the left one.
Monkey PawJust to the left of the scanner, located on the desk.
Haunted MirrorA bit further in, the Haunted Mirror is almost under the row of seats in the waiting area of the entranceway.
Summoning CircleYou’ll find this one right at the end of the security checkpoint corridor, just before you get to the double doors.
Voodoo DollRight by the scanners again. It’s on the desk next to one of the gray boxes.

Brownstone High School

Phasmophobia: a dilapidated and poorly lit classroom inside the school map.
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We’re in the big leagues now. This is one of two of the game’s biggest maps. Its sheer size and creepy, abandoned vibe makes this one way more intimidating than the Prison. And seeing that gymnasium just brings back awful, awful memories. NOTE: Much like the Prison, the Cursed items are within a small radius to make them easier to find.

Tarot CardsOn the long, wooden bench to your left as you enter the school.
Ouija BoardThe Ouija Board will be on the floor next to a pillar on the left, slightly further into the main entranceway.
Music BoxThe Music Box will be on the long bench on the right-hand side of the lobby.
Monkey PawGo further in. In front of one of the pillars will be a cardboard box. The Monkey Paw spawns here.
Haunted MirrorWhen you walk through the main lobby, go slightly to your right. The item will spawn propped up against a pillar.
Summoning CircleYou’ll find the Summoning Circle towards the end of the lobby, just before you get to the bench at the back.
Voodoo DollOn the bench at the back.

Sunny Meadows Mental Institution

Phasmophobia: a creepy corridor with an abandoned wheelchair nearby.
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If you thought Brownstone was pretty intense, that’s nothing compared to Sunny Meadows, the abandoned mental institution that’s been lifted from so many horror movies. It should be said that this section also covers the smaller, “restricted” version of the map. In fact, all the Cursed Possession items will be near or in the chapel.

Tarot CardsThe upper deck of the chapel contains a red pillar (where the big, red circle is). The Monkey Paw will rest against this.
Ouija BoardThis, too, will also be on a red circle that forms part of a larger circle in the same area as the cards.
Music BoxIn the chapel, you’ll find this item near some wooden candle stands on the right-hand side.
Monkey PawThe upper deck of the chapel contains a red pillar (where the big, red circle is). The Monkey Paw rests against this.
Haunted MirrorThe Summoning Circle will appear inside the red circle, which incorporates smaller circles. It’s red circles all the way down.
Summoning CircleThe Summoning Circle will appear inside the red circle, which incorporates smaller circles. Its red circles all the way down.
Voodoo DollThe Voodoo Doll will be on the floor in front of the aforementioned red post.

Point Hope

Phasmophobia: inside the Point Hope living room, showing the small, canvas lighthouse on the right.
Screenshot via Destructoid.

Point Hope is the new map that came rolling out with Phasmophobia‘s Eventide update. It’s something that was being teased by the developer for some time. One of the key things about this particular location is its sense of verticality. Despite not having that many rooms, the fact that the lighthouse stretches up ten floors can feel daunting at first. Despite being brand-new, it still has all the Cursed Possession items, and they are in the following places:

Tarot CardsIn the living room on floor 1, there’s a small table wedged between two green chairs. The cards will be here.
Ouija BoardFloor 4. The Ouija Board can be found on a shelf attached to the central pillar. You may have to walk around it once or twice to see it.
Music BoxThe bedroom on floor 6. It’ll be on the dressing table as you walk into the room.
Monkey PawIn the workshop area on floor 8. Look for the desk with the wooden rocking horse on it.
Haunted MirrorOn the third floor, you’ll see a cabinet sort of underneath the stairs. The mirror will be leaning against the left side of said cabinet,
Summoning CircleThe main bathroom on floor 5. Right in the middle as you walk in. Can’t miss it.
Voodoo DollThe doll will spawn in the blue bedroom on floor 7, specifically on a dresser.
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Andrew Heaton
Andrew has been a gamer since the 17th century Restoration period. He now writes for a number of online publications, contributing news and other articles. He does not own a powdered wig.
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