We’d like to imagine that Blizzard is using an old-fashioned paper mixer to choose which fanatic is getting into the StarCraft II beta next. But that would be kidding ourselves — Blizzard has more money than Bill Murray. Chances are that they’re using computers and being smart about overload, which in turn, seems like a good reason why some BlizzCon 2008 attendees still aren’t in the beta despite promised invites.
Good news here. A Blizzard representative said, via Blizzard’s official message board, that all attendees will be included in future invite waves within the next two weeks. Blame the amount of nerds who attended the convention for your continued sorrow and meaningless life. Then, cheer up. Only two more weeks!
Second Wave Within Two Weeks [StarCraft Gamers]
Published: Feb 22, 2010 10:30 pm