A new game called Alien Jihad is coming to PC, iOS, Android and “home consoles” this year, and it’s generated controversy before it’s even had a chance to show anything.
Alien Jihad is a rather heavy handed satire game with social networking elements. While it’s been designed to “bring back the simplicity and instant thrill of the great arcade shooters from the 1980’s and the FMV games of the early 90’s,” the ability to share scores on sites like Facebook is a big part of the experience.
The game features a number of Trophies with names like Greedy Banker, Infidel, Foreclosure King, Bailout Champion, Day of Rage, Tea Party. Told you the satire was heavy handed.
Right now it looks like it’s running the risk of trying too hard to make its point, but who knows? It’s definitely raising a few eyebrows around the gaming community. I wonder what Dr. Doom would make of it?
It was a time of great peace for mankind. All conflicts on earth had come to an end.
In the Middle East, Israelis and Palestinians stopped fighting and started to party together. Tel Aviv became the capital of New Palestine. Saudi Arabia became the world’s biggest proponent of mini skirts. Iran joined North Korea and the United States in the new Axis of Peace. Afghanistan became the world’s safest country and Somalia became the largest economy.
In enlightened Europe, France stopped persecuting Roma ‘alien’ migrants. In bankrupt Britain, the honourable Members of Parliament decided not to fiddle their expense claims and rip off the tax payer.
And then came the alien invasion……….
Hundreds of aliens from the planet Virginopolis invaded Earth. Using their advanced Fatwa technology, they turned greedy Wall Street investment bankers into ravaging alien clones.
Many nations rebelled against the alien invaders.
“We are the aborigines of this land.” proclaimed Dick Puffin, the leader of the British Nazi Party. The former Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Howard, said, “We must invite these aliens to a cricket match. And after they lose, we must do to them what we did to the aborigines.”
The wise geriatric Italian Prime Minister, Saint Silvio, while receiving an oil massage from his new underage girlfriend, Ruby, issued a public statement saying, “Our culture is far superior to theirs. It’s much better to love bunga bunga girls than these aliens.”
Giving an unbiased view on Fox News, the great American rabble rouser, Fat Buchanan said, “These aliens pose a clear and present danger to our superior Anglo-Saxon culture.”
Soon it became a struggle for the very soul of humanity.
A brave group of human rebels led by fearless Danish cartoonists fought back against the aliens and their Wall Street clones.
The battle still rages over Earth’s great cities like London, Paris and San Francisco………..Are you ready to join the fight?