Aksys reprints 999 with all-new box art

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I hope you guys managed to pre-order Virtue’s Last Reward on time to get that sweet watch, because that sh*t sold out fast. I had heard that Aksys offered a second batch of watches this week, but by the time I scoped out Amazon, they were once again gone. Well, horse puckies.

If you’ve somehow missed out on its DS predecessor, 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, Amazon is offering a reprint with brand new box art. The new cover features Zero’s freakish mask in the background as June and Junpei reach out to one another. There’s also a “Zero Escape” stamp in the upper-right corner to highlight its association with Virtue’s Last Reward.

It’s the same game that most of us already played, but if you haven’t yet and show even the slightest interest in VLR, check out how it all began. 999 is one of the most mind-blowing tales in videogame history, and I would hate if anyone had the story spoiled because they played the games out of order.

“999” With New Box Art Ships Today! [Aksys Games]

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Tony Ponce
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