How to find Oxygen Tanks in Fisch

No running out of breath

A player fishing at the Ancient Isle waterfall

Oxygen Tanks are one of the many additions of the Northern Expedition update in Fisch, and you’ll have to find this specific item if you want to travel all the locations of the new island.

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If you have a boat in your collection, reaching the Northern Expedition Island is pretty easy. You’ll travel to a portal and reach the Northern Summit, which is accessible to everyone. However, you’ll need Oxygen Tanks in order to travel to the more advanced areas. If you don’t have them, your oxygen percentage will consistently drop, and you’ll be unable to make any kind of progress.

In Fisch, there are four types of Oxygen Tanks that you can find and unlock.

All Oxygen Tank locations in Fisch

You can pick between the following Oxygen Tanks in Fisch: Basic, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. It goes without saying that Advanced is the best, but it’s also the costliest one to obtain. Let’s take a look at how many credits you’ll need for each type.

Oxygen Tank typeCostLocation
BasicC$1000Bottom of the Base Camp in Northern Summit
BeginnerC$3500Right outside the tent that’s situated in Overgrowth Caves
IntermediateC$10000You’ll come across a tent at the end of the Frigid Caverns, and the tank can be bought from here. This is also necessary if you want to access the third area.
AdvancedC$25000Outside the orange tent in Glacial Grotto

How to use Oxygen Tanks in Fisch

The Oxygen Tanks work the same way as your Diving Gear. Once you’ve purchased a tank, you can equip it from your inventory. Since you’ll have to use it frequently in Northern Summit, make sure to place your tank in the taskbar. That way, you won’t need to open the inventory every time you run out of oxygen.

If you’ve just reached the Northern Summit, you won’t need an Oxygen Tank. However, you’ll need one if you want to access the more advanced locations of the island. Make sure to pay attention to your health while traveling, and equip the tank when required.

About The Author
Arka Sarkar
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