What’s scarier than Dead Space 2? A dog that knocks over your Xbox 360 while finally getting to play Dead Space 2. A bad dog did just that to Dead Space fan Ashley. And much like any of us would do, she headed to Twitter to express her sadness. She says that she was so excited for the release of this sequel, but her bad doggy ruined that for her.
The folks at EA saw Ashley’s tweet and asked for her address. She sent it along not knowing what to expect. And then yesterday a package showed up at Ashley’s door with the above pictured contents inside. Visceral replaced her dog-damaged copy with a fancy new one, signed by the staff. Also included was an adorable sketch, scolding that damned dog.
Nice one, EA dudes. Way to take care of your fans. You can read Ashley’s full blog on how this all went down here.
[Thanks, longtongninja]
Published: Feb 3, 2011 3:40 PM UTC