CCP executive producer talks about Dust 514

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Recently, executive producer Brandon Laurino at CCP has spoke up about some of the design decisions behind the studio’s upcoming first-person shooter MMO Dust 514.

He talked about developing Dust 514, with EVE Online as its backdrop:

EVE Online is an incredibly deep MMO and, for better or worse, that comes with a typical perception that it is complicated…Part of the thinking behind Dust 514 is to address those preconceptions; we accept that there is a barrier to entry with something as deep as EVE Online and we wanted to make it more accessible, providing another portal and dimension into the EVE universe.”

Brandon also mentioned that battles won’t take place on a few large maps, but rather on entire planets. Major events that can occur in Dust 514 or in EVE Online will cause repercussions for the other. One example given by Brandon, the actions taken by EVE Online players can turn the tide of battle for Dust 514 players planet side.

CCP has even gone so far as to include its beta testing of Dust 514 as canon in EVE Online. Brandon states:

“…so the setting is that the first small group of players that get access to the Private Trials will be the first trial of this new mercenary technology in the context of EVE Online. Just as you’re helping to test the game in the real world, in the EVE world you’re taking part in war games organized to test this new mercenary technology.”

Beta testing is an essential part for developing any game and developers are now offering little incentives for helping them, but most beta testing can feel very unfulfilling. But with “Private Trails,” CCP is giving EVE Online players a chance to really be a part of the history of EVE and that might just be worth more bragging rights then a little badge next to your characters name.

I am very interested in seeing what CCP will do with this new gigantic universe that they have built and what new forms of gameplay can emerge from it.

Dust 514 the “biggest multiplayer FPS” [EuroGamer — Thanks de5gravity!]

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Jason Cabral
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