Medal of Honor banned from military stores

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Military personnel looking to pick up Medal of Honor this October will have to do so off-site. The Army and Air Force Exchange Services has announced that the game will not be stocked in any on-base GameStop or other post exchange in U.S. military bases worldwide. The reason is because of the inclusion of Taliban fighters in the game’s multiplayer, naturally.

The commanding general of the Army and Air Force Exchange Services explained that this is done out of respect for the men and women who have fought against Taliban insurgents. I don’t particularly oppose the move, especially since there are still other means for soldiers to purchase the game. Nonetheless, I find it curious that the top brass would think soldiers who live day in and day out through so much would be unable to handle some this. Kind of selling them short, don’t you think?

Video Game Pulled Globally From Military Stores Over Taliban Inclusion [Kotaku]

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Tony Ponce
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