Live-action Red Faction made-for-tv film detailed

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The THQ and SyFy channel collaboration, Red Factions: Origins, has finally been outed as a two-hour live-action movie pilot scheduled to air next March.

Origins fills in the blanks between last year’s Guerrilla and the upcoming Armageddon. It’s twenty-five years after the events of Guerilla, and ten years since enemies vowing vengeance have murdered rebel leader Alex Mason’s wife and kidnapped his daughter. Alec’s son, Jake Mason, is the last hope, and in the quest to save his sister, uncovers family secrets that threaten the freedom of the Martian Colonies. (Oh, and stuff will get blown to pieces.)

Origin‘s screenplay was written by Andrew Kreisberg (Vampire Diaries, Boston Legal), based on a story by Paul DeMeo (The Rocketeer, The Flash).

THQ’s Danny Bilson refers to this as a unique “transmedia collaboration,” and it certainly won’t be the last. Bilson has been throwing that term around a lot lately, in association with other THQ properties like de Blob and even Saint’s Row. As the first of what will likely be many, I’m crossing my fingers that Origins isn’t a hokey, low-budget project that will have gamers face-palming worldwide. If games can’t translate well to the big screen, will the industry have better luck on the boob tube?

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Nick Chester
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