Anti-games senator Leland Yee still wants to fight

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California Senator Leland Yee, the man who wrote the now-defunct California Videogame Law, has pledged to continue his fight against videogames and apparently hasn’t given up on wasting money in order to battle the first amendment. Frankly, Glass Joe would have a better chance of winning a “How many punches can your face take?” competition. 

“Unfortunately, the majority of the Supreme Court once again put the interests of corporate America before the interests of our children,” he whined. “As a result of their decision, Wal-Mart and the video game industry will continue to make billions of dollars at the expense of our kids’ mental health and the safety of our community. It is simply wrong that the video game industry can be allowed to put their profit margins over the rights of parents and the well-being of children.”

In addition, Yee has tried to take credit for “forcing” the industry to be stricter in its self-regulation with his eight-year waste of time and money, and makes it clear that he’s not done yet. 

Leland Yee would do well to admit that he’s lost. His State is in debt and he’s thrown away a lot of money in trying to spearhead a patently unwinnable cause. I actually care less about the games and more about a politician with a pet cause, spending tax dollars on this stream of pointless, inherently silly bullshit. I’m disgusted at the fact that he’s been allowed to do this for eight years. It’s time he pulled his head out of his ass and f*cked off.

If Senator Yee wasn’t spending so much on fighting this lost cause, California wouldn’t need to keep putting out those desperate commercials with the old Golden Girls bitch begging us to visit the State to see how she rolls. 

About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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