New Destructoid Episode: DLC, DNF, WWJD, GTFO

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Hey gang, we’ve got another episode of The Destructoid Show dedicated to all the hard-hitting post-E3 news from the past couple days. That was a joke.

There’s a demo out for Duke Nukem Forever which hopefully has poop and tits in it. You guys should download it and give us some feedback. Call of Duty: Black Ops is still available for purchase or something, the new Fallout: New Vegas DLC “Old World Blues” is about invisible typewriters and rotating your head like an owl. Just kidding, again. Sonic The Hedgehog turns twenty tomorrow, and since he’s not old enough to buy beer, Sega’s got a bunch of new things to buy and download. I reviewed Jim’s review of Shadows Of The Damned, and Tara combated my wickedness by preaching the good word of this Catholic Facebook game, Vatican Wars.

Spoiler Alert: That’s it. That’s the news. All of it. Go home.

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Max Scoville
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