Cool film on Flash games needs/deserves your donation

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A film called Everything, By Everyone seems to be about anything and everything we know and love from the internet. The trailer starts off by talking about popular and long lived Flash portal Newgrounds and seems to lead into memes and indie games and internet successes from there. They say the film is story of Flash animation and games, and is analogous to the story of the internet itself.

Watching the trailer, I feel like this is something I would definitely enjoy watching. Too bad it’s not done yet. Nathan Kuruna needs a bit more cash to finish his project, and that’s why he’s created a Kickstarter page. He says he has about a hundred hours of interviews, but needs the cash to fund turning this raw material into a great film. It looks like he has a great start. All he needs is a push.

There’s already 44 backers that have pledged over $3,000 in all. See if you can chip in a couple of bucks.

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Dale North
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