Here are our winners for the Nyko E3 contest!

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Destructoid teamed up with Nyko to giveaway the ultimate prize collection! Nyko offered up two tickets to E3 2010, a used booth babe dress (seriously) and a bunch of Nyko accessories!

Congratulations to Dtoider leavemealone9375 as he is our grand prize winner for the above video. He’s getting two tickets to E3, the booth babe dress (wig and go-go boots included) and a suit of Nyko accessories for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii.

Second place goes to shadow1w2 and he’s getting a bundle of Nyko products for his console of choice. Third place goes to ArticFox and he’ll be getting a Nyko product for his system of choice. Check out their entries after the break.

Thanks again to Nyko for the awesome contest opportunity and be on the lookout for some potentially hilarious photos to come out of E3 2010 from leavemealone9375. 

MOAR CONTESTS!: Check out our Dante’s Inferno contest going on right now where you can win a signed poster and codes for the “Trials of St. Lucia” DLC on the PSN!

Second place winner: shadow1w2:

I’d do what any logical sane man would do with a dress. 
Find a mannequin nail the feet to a red wagon and cart it around with me at E3 dressed in said dress. OF which the second pass will come in handy.
Possibly install a camera in the head for secret photo shoots. 
No one will suspect a thing as I get the rare footage of Sonic Cross Dressing Revolution Five. 
Ha, you noobs didn’t even know they are making that did you? HA! 
Shitty game no doubt, but I will gets it. 

Though as my cover will be somewhat blown do to unconceivable good security guards I’ll need to also install a desctructoid face mask on said mannequin so that if I am indeed caught, I can just blame it on you guys. 
“See, I’m not creepy weird, its a desctructoid thing they put me up to it” 

Its an ingenious plan I know, I know. 
But I could pull it off. 

Though just in case things go seriously wrong, I’ll bring me a Nyko Perfect Shot for the Wii loaded with a live wiimote. 
That’ll show the guards whats what if things get really hairy. 

Also maybe leave the mannequin at the Nyko booth when I need to go it solo. 
Yeeeeeaaaahhhh…. master plaaaaaaannn OF DOOOOOOM! 

Or get my cousin to wear it. I’d have to bribe her with all the Nyko stuff I’d have won…. thats no fun!!111oneonetwo

Third place winner: ArcticFox

If I won the dress, it would be a three step process of fun, awesomeness and epicness.

Step One: Obligatory, me wearing the dress and wig, and if possible the shoes (probably too small for me). Pictures will be taken.

Step Two: Take it to E3 with me. And bring a fabric marker. That dress is white. I would get it signed by the elite of DToid, the Nyko girls, the Nyko crew and any Gaming “celebrities” I can find in between my gushing over the games and peripherals. I would also hold off on step three until after two things occur. The first, is it would also be brought to Jon Bloodspray’s forumapalooza Cedar Point weekend NARP and I would get those fools to sign it. Finally, it would also be packed and brought to PAX East again next year, as I had a blast this year and would again, get it signed by the DToiders at that event, and by any PAX “celebrities” I happen to run into (example, last year it was Major Nelson, Fourzerotwo and Tycho).

Step 3: This one will be expensive, but totally, TOTALLY worth it. As you can see, I recently posted my setup blog, but what I didn’t post was the GIANT EMPTY SPACE where I figure I need something appropriately epic:

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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