The Legend of Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto believes that recent games in the iconic series have grown a little too complex after years of convolution. As often seems to be the case with venerable franchises, the world famous developer has stated that the upcoming Wii sequel will go back to basics with a more “player friendly” control scheme.
“For us, it is important to the to optimise gameplay and make the controls easier,” says Miyamoto. “We do our best to make the controls player friendly, since Zelda has become complicated.”
The impish designer adds that the game will be surprising, though he won’t say how: “For us, two things are important: to meet expectations and to surprise people. How we do it this time, I will not reveal. Normally, we create the video sequences, and these sequences are expanded. But this time we started with the game structure. And then with the video sequences. So this time it was reversed. Therefore, we have had little so far from the game to show. But will publish a lot close to the game’s completion.”
So far, all we know about the new Wii Zelda comes from a teaser image. Miyamoto has promised that this image will bear relevance at E3, where the game is expected to get its full reveal. Can you wait? We really can’t. At the very least, it’ll mean we get a new header image for these stories!
Shigeru Miyamoto Video Interview [GamingMedia via CVG]
Published: May 17, 2010 08:00 am