Paipa on Xbox Live Indie Games is a decent dollar game

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I just played the demo for this XBL Indie Game, Paipa, and it’s pretty fun. A steampunk-themed puzzle game where you’re trying to keep Her Majesty’s ship afloat. Her Majesty’s ship that’s on a non-stop flight to Mars, that is. 

Not that the concept matters too much, but I like the flavor. In the game, you keep water from flooding by creating pathways of pipes from one side of the screen to the other. Making paths reduces the water level, but connecting pipes increases pressure and, thusly, the speed at which water fills. 

A neat game, Paipa. Simple and I can see some fun potential in it. Granted, I’m something of a fiend for puzzle games, but you could do worse for a buck. Go check out the demo for yourselves and see what you think.

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Conrad Zimmerman
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