Ninokuni finally gets dated for Japan

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Whenever I think of Level-5’s upcoming game Ninokuni, I always think of Colette’s reaction to the first trailer for the game. I’m right there with her as it sounds like my dream game. Level-5 teamed up with Studio Ghibli to make this, and they’ve been teasing us with it since last year.

RPGamer gives us a good idea of the game’s story:

he main character, Oliver, and his friend Mark build a car, but when they take the car out for a test drive, Oliver nearly drowns in a nearby river, but is saved by his mother, who then dies of a heart attack following his rescue. With the death of his mother, Oliver dreams of a way to change the outcome, and when he meets Shizuku, a doll-cum fairy, he offers Oliver a chance to change his situation by traveling to the world of Ninokuni. Shizuku tells Oliver that if he helps him defeat the dark mage, that he in turn would help find a way to rescue Oliver’s mother.

Now we’re finally getting a release window for the DS RPG…for Japan. It’s Fall 2010, which lines up nicely with the 2010 Tokyo Game Show. That’s where I first saw Ninokuni and that’s where I expect to see the finished game in action.

Level-5 once called this game “A premium RPG that everyone dreamed of.” I hope that’s true. I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Preferably in English.

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Dale North
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