Dtoid’s No Apparent Reason Parties for the month of May

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No Apparent Reason Parties, NARPs for short, are a long standing tradition here at Destructoid. NARPs are parties hosted by Dtoiders for Dtoiders and everyone is welcome to attend a party. It’s about playing games and interacting with other people all in the name of having a good time.

NARPs, NARPs, NARPs! There’s a bunch going down for the month of May. From San Francisco to Australia and everywhere in between, community members like you are getting meeting up in person to have fun times. In real life! What a concept!

Follow on after the break to see what NARPs are happening in Australia, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, London, Belgium, Seattle, Vancouver and Portland!

Who: DtoidAustralia — FooLiz
What: Mana Bar Trivia night
When: May 18

The Australian folks will be hitting up the Mana Bar for another night of videogame trivia hosted by Yahtzee Croshaw. The Dtoid teams tend to clean up at the competition to the point that they’ve started playing with handicaps! Go Dtoid Australia, GO!

Follow Dtoid Australia on Twitter and Facebook and be sure to join the Google Group if you want to be kept up on all of the Australia events.

Who: DtoidLosAngeles — Dexter345
What: GIANT INFLATABLE SLIDE, Six Flags Magic Mountain trip

When: May 24, second week of June

On May 24, Dexter345 and Lib are planning a trip over to Six Flags Magic Mountain. Sounds like a lot of fun times.

A couple of things are also in the works for next month around E3 time. Get excite!

Follow Dtoid Los Angeles on Facebook and join the Google Group to keep up to date with all that they got going on.

Who: DtoidNewYork — Power-Glove
What: Second year anniversary party
When: May 15

Dtoid New York will be celebrating their second year anniversary on May 15. There will be fun times in the afternoon and then karaoke goodness in the evening.

Follow Dtoid New York on them Twitters and Facebook things and join up on their Google Group page.

Who: DtoidSanFrancisco — Tactix
What: Wegecon 2010/Grill cheese cookoff
When: May 28 – 31

Dtoid San Francisco and the Destructoid Headquarters is excited to announce Wedgecon 2010! It’s a celebration of very awesome people and we’ll be doing many amazing things. For instance, grilled cheese cook off!

Check out the Dtoid San Francisco Facebook, Twitter pages and join the Google Group!

Who: DtoidUnitedKingdom — Hollie
What: MCM London Expo
When: May 29

DtoidUK will be checking out the London Expo later this month and that’s all I can say as Hollie never made a blog. Stupid red hair. Join their Google Group to find out what the kids are up to.

Who: DtoidEurope/Belgium — mistic
What: EuroNARP3
When: August 13 – 15

Dtoid Europe is set to rock their epic crap three day event this August once again. Check out the posting and see how you can get involved, even if you don’t live anywhere near Belgium!  

Who: DtoidSeattle-Vancouver + DtoidPortland — DJDuffy/Kai + king3vbo
What: PAX Prime 2010
When: September 3 – 5

PAX Prime 2010! Get hype. Get excite. Get ready. Join the Google Group.

Full list of Dtoid City Groups. Join one today or start your own by getting in touch with me!

Dtoid Austin
Dtoid Australia
Dtoid Baltimore DC
Dtoid Denver
Dtoid Europe
Dtoid Los Angeles
Dtoid New England
Dtoid New York
Dtoid North Carolina
Dtoid Orlando
Dtoid Portland
Dtoid Pennsylvania
Dtoid San Francisco
Dtoid Seattle-Vancouver
Dtoid Toronto
Dtoid United Kingdom

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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