In the past 24 hours, I learned that many of you are passionate as can be about MechWarrior 4. More specifically, MechWarrior 4 when it’s available for free.
You see, my inbox is full with tips about how Microsoft’s legal department gave MekTek Studios the go-ahead to release the game as a no-strings-attached free download. This was supposed to happen months ago, so yeah, kind of a big deal.
Thing is, the popularity of this stunt caused MekTek’s servers to, well, go out in a blaze of glory. I had planned to hold off on doing a post until everything came back online; that obviously wasn’t working out for me. Long story short, this is the site you’ll want to bookmark.
Anyway, WastelandTraveler was the first to shoot us over a message, so props to him. All other tipsters: your efforts to inform are much appreciated.