New Total War: Shogun 2 DLC revea-OMG WARRIOR NUNS

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Total War: Shogun 2 is a rather excellent strategy game and any would-be rulers of Glorious Nippon would do well to give it a look. Unfortunately, the base game doesn’t offer that much for Buddhists of a military bent. Sure, factions can hire warrior monk units and Kenshin, head of the Uesugi clan was a certified monk, but sometimes a Buddhist with true warrior spirit needs a faction of his own. That’s where Shogun 2‘s first downloadable add-on steps in.

The DLC unlocks the Ikko-Ikki faction for use in single- and multiplayer. For the less historically aware, “Ikko-Ikki” was the name given to the armies of various militant religious sects scattered throughout Japan. They were noted for using naginata polearms, wearing funny head-scarves, and were among the earlier factions to master the use of guns. The monks of Hongan-ji bedeviled even the famous Nobunaga throughout his career, until he finally snapped and set their temple complex on fire, killing some 20,000 monks and assorted women and children. Yup.

Anyway, in addition to unlocking the Ikko-Ikki faction, the new DLC also adds new skill trees for Ikko-Ikki generals, eight new unit variations specific to the faction, an Ikko-Ikki monk agent, a new historical battle (Ikko-Ikki vs. Oda), and a new armor set and ten new retainers for use in the game’s “Avatar Conquest” multiplayer component. Oh, and the deadly WARRIOR NUNS, shown above taking on pathetic dogs of the Hojo clan.

The DLC is available now on Steam for a mere $4.99 (Warrior Nuns for less than five bucks!), and the core game itself can be had for a mere $33.49 as part of this weekend’s Steam sale. Go get it! Bishamonten commands you!

About The Author
Josh Tolentino
Contributor - When not posting about Japanese games or Star Trek, Josh served as Managing Editor for Japanator. Now he mostly writes for Destructoid's buddies at Siliconera, but pops back in on occasion.
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