New Destructoid Episode: Mass Effect 3 and Sexual Favors

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 Oona goota, Dtoiders. Nay wonna wonga, nay Jabba no bada. Yub yub.

…And by that, I mean Happy Star Wars day. Today’s episode of The Destructoid Show has a high midichorian count, and it’s chock full of lame references to things BESIDES Star Wars.

Fun news: Tara and I are part of the Destructoid Podtoid podcast now, and this will be a regular thing. The first episode went up today, and you should listen to 
Bad news: Mass Effect 3 is delayed until first quarter 2012. 
Good news: Nintendo gave the Wii a price cut, and decided to release some greatest hit games for cheap.
Deathclaw news: Fallout: New Vegas is getting three more DLC packs. Also, Veronica Belmont is doing voices for it, and she works at Revision3. Do you work with someone from Fallout? You wish.
Witcher nudes– er, news: The Australian Classification Board gave The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings an MA15+ rating, except for one part where getting sexual favors had to be cut. Go figure.
Free stuff news: If you tweet “Watch the @dtoidshow for a chance to win #GatlingGears for XBLA” you could uh, win Gatling Gears. Which Tara previewed.
Kurt Russell news: John Carpenter’s The Thing is our Destructoid Movie Club movie of the week. Watch it on Netflix or just watch it. Send us your thoughts, videos, fanart, tentacle fan-fiction, etc. before 12AM on Friday, Pacific time (-8:00 GMT, I think. Damn these space-clocks.)
Spoiler alert: We made some changes to the set. Sparkly changes.

May the fourth be with you, and tomorrow: tequila.

About The Author
Max Scoville
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