Activision has made a statement concerning the Guitar Hero franchise, seeming to backtrack on the idea that the series had been killed off for good. I guess the publisher realized there’s money to be made from a big comeback later on.
“Actually, just to clarify, we’re just putting Guitar Hero on hiatus, we’re not ending it,” claimed Acti’s Dan Winters. “We’re releasing products out of the vault — we’ll continue to sustain the channel, the brand won’t go away. We’re just not making a new one for next year, that’s all.”
Winters also addressed True Crime: Hong Kong, saying that even though the game was looking good, it was too “mid-tier” for a company that wanted to focus on bigger prizes: “That would have been, and still might end up being, a very successful mid-tier opportunity for someone. But, as I said, we changed our business model to where we were going to change our business model to focus disproportionately on three big, huge monsters. Those three monsters are the Bungie, Call of Duty and Spyro titles.”
It comes to something when being good and having a chance at being decently successful isn’t enough to save a game. That’s Activision for you.
Activision: “Guitar Hero on hiatus, we’re not ending it” []
Published: Apr 12, 2011 08:20 am