Reminder: Anthony Burch still trying to save the world

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Back in November, I told you about “Anthony Saves the World,” an online web series by Mikey Neuman and Anthony Burch of Gearbox Software. (Yes, that’s the same “Reverend” Anthony Burch whose face used to be plastered all over Destructoid.)

Well, months later, it’s still happening. And it’s pretty good. They’re six episodes in, which means if you haven’t been paying attention, you have some catching up to do. I’m telling this to you because we’re friends, and I like to make sure my friends know about all the coolest stuff. (Have you read these Twilight books yet, by the way? You need to get on that s**t; I hear they’re making movies now!)

A new episode of “Anthony Saves the World” premieres every Wednesday on The Escapist, and this is the last time I’m going to tell you about it until I’m a guest on the show and get to put a bullet into Neuman’s shoulder (or face). So open up your Google Calendar and set a reminder. How else will you find out of Anthony truly does, after all, save the world?

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

About The Author
Nick Chester
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