Weekend Destructainment: We are Bomber-MEEEEEN!!

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[Weekend Destructainment is a collection of funny videos brought together from all across the Internet to bring you entertainment on these slow and boring weekends.]

The above video is called “We are Bomber-MEEEEEN!!” and is by Takahashi Meijin. It makes no sense at all. Spotted on GoNintendo.

After the break it’s a Team Fortress 2 and Pokemon mash-up. Then it’s Random Robot Intermission with the robot buggy slave. Next, it’s an old Mega64 skit for A Boy and His Blob. Then it’s a trailer for Future Cops.

Next up, it’s the hilarious trailer for Hot Tub Time Machine. After that, it’s a Final Fight themed music video. Then Jersey Shore and Super Mario Bros. get mashed-up. The Destructainment ends with some more drumming covers by NukaCola.

Team Fortress 2: Pyro VS Spy, Pokemon style.

Random Robot Intermission: The child riding buggy slave robot. Spotted on Geekologie.

Mega64: A Boy and His Blob.

Future Cops
trailer looks like a Mega Man game.

NSFW: Hot Tub Time Machine trailer has a little Mario Bros. in it.

Final Fight mashup with Chester French. Spotted on Capcom-Unity.

Jersey Shore: Super Mario Bros. edition.

Dtoider NukaCola does Breath of Fire II on drums.

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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