War is hell. Hell is other people. So what better kind of hell is there than war with other people? That’s like, hell squared. Turns out Shogun 2 knows this, which is why The Creative Assembly have beefed up the game’s multiplayer options, as evidenced by this new multiplayer trailer.
Would-be unifiers of Glorious Nippon can take to the real-time battlefield in matches involving up to eight armies, as well as a full-sized cooperative campaign (the turn-based kind, with cities and taxes and that sort of thing, like I previewed).
Players can also customize their personal avatars, which will be present on the battlefield as generals, with skills, stat bonuses, and all manner of crazy helmets. Seriously, look at those helmets. Some of them are huge, and the best part is that most are historically accurate! They can also acquire and customize elite veteran units to their liking, the better to turn an opponent’s flank in style.
This game’s looking better and better, and it’s out on March 15th for the PC, which isn’t too far off. Are you interested? Planning to go online and proudly display your awesome hat?