Dead Space‘s co-creator and art director Ian Milham mentioned to BBC’s Newsbeat that while there had been talk about a Dead Space movie, Visceral doesn’t want some cheap and awful game-movie. Which should mean that a D.J. Caruso movie is a no-go.
Milham states: “We would love to have a live action film and we’ve had a lot of discussion. But one of the reasons Dead Space still exists and is popular is because we’ve made sure to do everything right. So we’re doing the same with the film, not just a cheap cash-in but to do something really worthwhile, so we’ll see.”
While the first animated movie Downfall was so-so, Dead Space: Aftermath added some better backstory to bridge the games while using different animation styles and designs to tell a story through different perspectives. If anything, Aftermath showed that the game lends itself well to the movie format, and that a character-centric live-action movie could be great in the hands of a competent director.
Sadly Guillermo Del Toro is already tied to THQ at the moment with inSane, but just imagine how great a Del Toro version of a Dead Space movie would be.
Dead Space 2 film ‘won’t be rushed’ [BBC Newsbeat via CVG]