Yeah, that’s right. It’s not a typo. It’s the new name of Namco and D3 Publisher’s upcoming PlayStation Portable Monster Hunter-alike, God Eater Burst. Oops, it’s now “Gods Eater Burst”. And like the game’s transforming weapons, it bites. It has neither impact or even grammatical sense.
I can see some of the logic behind the move. Monster Hunter-style gameplay and the PSP don’t get enough traction in the US for D3 to ignore potential oversensitive religious types that might get scared away by a game that professes to eat God. Then again, people dumb enough to have never imagined such a concept as multiple divinities would likely have not bought the game anyway.
Shame, but at least it won’t change any of the game’s existing content (including its preorder monsters)we’ll all know its true, awesome name. It will forever be in my heart, God Eater, no “s”. Just as Arisa up there will be a queen of underboob.