Some minor details on the Red Faction: Origins movie

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THQ’s Danny Bilson talked about the upcoming Red Faction: Origins movie at an event in NYC today. The two hour movie will supposedly start filming next week and air in March on SyFy. If that doesn’t excite you, get ready for this: it will star “exciting talent”! Except apparently he didn’t mention any casting details. Let’s just hope Richard Dean Anderson will have a role in it for no apparent reason, ok?

The upcoming work of art will be written by Andrew Kreisberg who co-wrote two filler episodes of Fringe, two episodes of Warhouse 13 and two episodes of The Vampire Diaries. He also co-produced some more episodes of these shows, as well as a ton of Eli Stone episodes. On the upside, the screenplay is based on a story developed by THQ Director of Fiction Development Paul DeMeo who worked with Bilson on The Rocketeer, the Flash tv-series and The Sentinel.

I was about to be skeptical about this, but even if it ends up containing only 10% of the awesomeness that was The Sentinel, we’re in for a treat. Besides, it’s a SyFy movie so you’re going to watch it anyway. On that note, go watch Shaktopus! And then go watch The Asylum’s Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus while you’re at it.

Red Faction film to star ‘exciting talent’ [CVG]

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Maurice Tan
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