Download Shantae: Risky’s Revenge soundtrack right now!

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I’m quite excited about the return of GameBoy Color classic platformer Shantae in a sequel called Shantae: Risky’s Revenge. I’m sure you’ve heard that the game launches on DSiWare on October 4th. I’m excited because I love the game, but I’m also excited because one of my dear friends worked on the soundtrack. Oh, and he’s giving it away for free.

Jake Kaufman composed the score for the original game, and now he’s back for Risky’s Revenge, and he and WayForward are sharing the entire soundtrack a week before the game comes out. At his website you can download this amazing score for…well, what you’d like to pay. This is a “pay what you want” kind of deal, so you could technically pay nothing, but I’d ask as a personal favor to give a bit of money in exchange for this OST. If you enjoy it, give a bit. I know Destructoid readers have money. I’ve seen how you all roll.

Jake says that the proceeds will go straight into their studio budget for music equipment at WayForward, allowing him to make make even better soundtracks for you in the future.

Speaking to Jake this evening, he told me:

I need to make belly-dancing house music about sexy genies more often, because .. this is my website right now. You guys are creeping me out.

Send him even more pageviews! Go! Go!

By the way, isn’t this the most amazing promotional video you’ve ever seen? It tells you to pull a Carlton and turn into a raptor! Who does that?

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Dale North
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