Flixist is coming, prepare yourselves

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We’ve finally done it. After hours of planning, a grueling selection process, many “work” breaks to watch movies, and more butter-flavored popcorn than a group of human beings should consume, we’re all set to launch ModernMethod’s brand-spanking new, completely amazing, totally rocking, soul-burningly good movie site. If you were at Destructoid’s PAX panel, you may have heard about it. If not, let me introduce you to Flixist.com!

Well, it isn’t there yet, but that’s our neat logo above, and we have a full staff of amazing writers ready to melt your face with movie news, reviews, features, and anything else we can come up with. The site will launch on what I am sure will become known as the greatest day in the history of the Internet, October 11. If you can’t tell by my overabundant use of adjective-rich descriptions and hyperbole, we’re really excited.

I’d like to take this chance to thank everyone who applied for a writing position. We received an insane amount of amazing applications, but sadly, we couldn’t hire everyone. We had to make some really tough decisions when it came down to it, but if you haven’t heard from us yet, then we had to pass you up. I would love to see everyone who applied writing in the Flixist community (which is going to rock), because we read so many amazing things during the hiring process that we selfishly want to see more from everyone.

So get ready for some awesome… seriously.

About The Author
Matthew Razak
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