Hey Mommy Bloggers, help market PlayStation Move!

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Are you a “Mommy Blogger”? You know, a mom who has a blog and you write about mommy things like, uh… shopping, coupons, and other cliché mom-related crap? Well Sony’s looking for you!

Social media sponsor website Izea has put out a “casting call” for qualified Mommy Bloggers looking to both try out (and presumably) pimp Sony’s upcoming motion controller online.

“Do you feel like you just don’t have enough time in your day,” goes Izea’s Move sponsorship pitch, “time to spend with the family, and time to squeeze in that much-needed exercise? Look no further your solution is here!”

Judging from the comments on the site, moms are eating it up! “That system looks amazing,” says one. Another comments “It is so hard to find fun stuff that a 7-year-old and a 17-year-old enjoy doing together. Plus, it would make great blogging fodder.” One thinks the “graphics are sweet.”

Yet one daddy blogger laments that it’s not an opportunity aimed at men; according to a reply from Izea employee Ashley Edwards, “the advertiser’s only looking for females.”

The campaign starts in early September, so keep your eye on your favorite mommy blog for family-centric impressions of Move. Early September is also reportedly the timing for a nationwide hands-on campaign at retailers like Best Buy and Walmart. PlayStation Move ships to stores on September 19.


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Nick Chester
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