Fight Night Champion won’t support Move or Kinect

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If you’ve been having a so-so day, this should cheer you up: EA Sports isn’t shoehorning motion control into Fight Night Champion, the next entry in its boxing franchise. Thank goodness! In an interview with Eurogamer, gameplay producer Brian Hayes explained that EA knows its audience, and its audience plays Fight Night because they can’t actually box in real life:

It’s a little bit too twitch-based, not to mention the fact that standing on your feet for three minutes and throwing punches is something that, believe it or not, might be beyond the fitness level of most gamers!

I mean, he’s not wrong. I’ve tried to hit a punching bag before. Those things hurt, man — and I was wearing gloves! Still, a boxing game on Kinect or Move where you’re actually bobbing and weaving does sound like it could be fun, and Hayes noted that such a game is “on the table in terms of exploration” for EA. But he’s of the opinion — and I would agree — that motion-controlled games work best when they’re developed specifically for motion control, instead of having motion support added in later.

Fight Night Champion is due out next year for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. In the meantime, you can check out some gnarly-looking screenshots of the game.

No Move, Kinect for Fight Night Champion [Eurogamer]

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Samit Sarkar
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