Vuvuzela and videogames, together at last!

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Here are some stupid old videos that continue to beat the Vuvuzela meme into the ground. It’s the Friday before the July 4 holiday weekend, so news is thin on the ground. Fortunately, silly shit that might be funny is always fashionable, and that’s what I have for you today. 

The above video is the obligatory Vuvuzela Hero (caught on GamesRadar). Any comedy instrument that the Internet becomes fascinated with needs a Hero spoof, and here it is. It’s actually somewhat amusing though, so make sure to check it out. Below the fold is something a bit more unique — somebody modded Doom 2 to include the Football-wrecking instrument as a weapon. Who knew the Vuvuzela could fend off the hordes of Hell? We all thought it was Satan’s first begotten son. 

Check out the vids because there’s nothing better happening!

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James Stephanie Sterling
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