Milo demo from last year not planned as a game

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Remember that really creepy demo of Kinect when it was first unveiled as Project Natal last year? I’m talking about the one with the kid who fished and made everyone watching him feel vaguely uncomfortable. At the time, we were under the impression that this was going to someday be a retail product.

Not so, according to Aaron Greenberg. Australian TV program Good Game asked the Xbox boss about the Milo demo, where he stated that the demo still existed and had been refined but there were no plans to make it a game. 

It’s funny how I’d managed to put Milo completely out of my mind. I didn’t even notice his absence at E3 until this mention of it. It’s also interesting to note that there wasn’t anything on display that demonstrated the same level of technical wizardry. Makes you wonder what happened to some of the grander ideas, like the item recognition, and whether we’ll see them again.

28 June  2010  E3 2010: World Exclusives part 2 [Good Game via Kotaku]

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Conrad Zimmerman
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