Final Fantasy XIII PS3 sells twice as many as 360 version

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One of the most bitter battles of the current console war, the multiplatform success of Final Fantasy XIII, has ended with a clear winner. The PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIII has sold almost twice as many copies as the 360 version according to the latest NPD numbers. That’s pretty conclusive.

Final Fantasy XIII, heralded as the very first Final Fantasy game to enjoy a simultaneous launch on home consoles, sold 828,000 PS3 copies compared to 493,000 on the Xbox 360. As you can see, the numbers weren’t even close as fans find themselves unable to divorce Final Fantasy from the PlayStation brand. 

It’s hardly surprising. A big deal was made about how XIII was totally uncompressed on Blu-ray, while the game had to be crammed onto three DVDs and suffer some minor quality loss. Also, quite a few fans bought a PS3 specifically for Final Fantasy XIII, and I suppose they couldn’t countenance buying it elsewhere after dropping so much cash. 

It really isn’t often that you see a PS3 game outsell a 360 alternative to such a wild degree, but that’s the situation. What version did you get, and why do you personally think it did so well on PS3?

Final Fantasy XIII PS3 sold twice as many as 360 [CVG]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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