According to Ubisoft, the day-one Splinter Cell: Conviction bug has been squashed via a new patch. In a conversation with Kotaku, the studio declared, “The issue has been resolved, you should now be able to play without further problems” It added, “You can download the update now and be able to play the game without it freezing or needing to be unplugged from Xbox Live.”
Users have been reporting a freezing issue since the game hit this morning, claiming that the second level was impossible to complete because of it. Earlier, Ubisoft tech support conjured up a great, although time-consuming, fix: unplug your Xbox 360’s net connection, wipe the cache, and leave the connection off throughout the mission.
This action, of course, wipes Title Updates from the drive, meaning there was probably a connection between the first patch and this now-possibly-solved issue.
Splinter Cell: Conviction Freezing On Xbox 360s, Temporary Fix Available [UPDATE: Fixed?] [Kotaku]
So what’s up, guys? Is this game playable now? Let us know in the comments.