It is for some. We’ve received several tips and messages on the matter today for those that have already jumped into the game. This is happening to Xbox 360 gamers on the 2nd level of the game. Destructoid reader Mr. Jenkemstein says that it happens on the mansion level after the first weapon cache. Having had to work all morning, I wouldn’t know, so I’ll take his word for it. Or, if you need to see for yourself, check out the above video. The guy that made the video says “actually” a few too many times.
Of course, Ubisoft’s forums lit up with complaints. It seems the patch that was released has something to do with the freezing. Some are saying not to patch, or clear your hard drive of the patch and avoid updating.
Ubisoft’s tech support posted a temporary fix in the forums. They’re working on a real fix, but for now this should hold you over.
1. Load to the Xbox 360 dashboard
2. Choose “System Settings”
3. Choose “Memory”
4. Highlight your hard drive
5. Press “y” for device options
6. from here just choose to clear system cache
In a later post, the same person says to avoid updating, or if you do, disconnect from Xbox Live.
This isn’t stopping our own Joe Burling, who says “This saddens me. I’m still playing it all night. Even if that means replaying the first level over and over and over and…”
[Thanks to all the readers that sent this in!]