Splinter Cell: Conviction? Conviction? The word doesn’t even fit. Yeah, the guy is crazy determined to find his kidnapped daughter and save the world and all of that, but I don’t see any conviction in a guy that stops what he’s doing to drop a Tweet or two. The Sammy F. of the old days would never stop for social networking. Now he’s washed up. I bet he makes Twitter App recommendations to thugs now as a form of torture.
If you still believe in his conviction, you can read what’s going on with Sam Fisher on his Twitter feed: Real_SamFisher. Sure, he’s not talking about the lovely butternut squash soup he had for lunch, but he’s still stopping to Tweet.
“I’m being set up. I need to find out who killed my daughter. Please help me,” his bio says.
Dude, I’ll help you if you hit me back on Follow Friday.
Published: Mar 17, 2010 02:40 pm