Nintendo DLC: Gladiator’s rage, Dracula is screwed

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If you’re looking to punch hit a minotaur in the face, kill a vampire, or raise dinos for battle, this is the week you’ve been waiting for, DSi and Wii owners.


  • Rage of the Gladiator (Ghostfire Games, 1 player, 1,000 Wii Points)
  • Triple Shot Sports (The Code Monkeys Ltd., 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points)

Virtual Console


If I didn’t already own Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles for the PlayStation Portable, I’d be all over Rondo of Blood. But I do, so I’m not. This week on my Wii I’ll only be playing Rage of the Gladiator, which Ghostfire Games has provided me for review; I’m gonna kick some minotaur tail.

Anything catching your interest this week? Are you, like me, holding off on DSiWare releases until you upgrade to a DSi XL later this month?

About The Author
Nick Chester
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