In North America, the deliciously hilarious Deadly Premonition is an Xbox 360 exclusive. However, that’s no reason for PS3 loyalists to miss out on all the hands-stuffed-in-mouth fun. The Japanese version of the game is available for both 360 and PS3. It’s called Red Seeds Profile out there and the best part is that it’s in English!
Now there is no excuse not to own this sublime game. Import a copy today, or if you already have an Xbox 360, track it down. It’ll cost you a meager $20, and it’s the best twenty bucks you could ever hope to spend on a videogame in your life. Don’t believe me? Just check out this video we posted earlier for proof.
Our review of the game is coming soon. Keep reading Destructoid, now officially the only videogame blog dedicated to giving Deadly Premonition full and dedicated coverage!
Yes, You Can Play Deadly Premonition In English On PS3 [Siliconera]