Brutal Legend will save you from a crappy Christmas

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For those of you worried you’ll be getting a sh*tty Christmas gift this week because you’ve been a naughty little bastard, then fear not! EA and Brutal Legend are hosting a contest where they want you to send in pictures of the worst wrapped gifts you receive this Holiday. For your troubles, you may get some sweet Brutal Legend swag!

The contest is open until January 15, 2010 and the prizes are pretty awesome. You’ll be able to win one of the two Brutal Legend metal T-shirts, the Eddie Riggs collectible statue and $10 off Brutal Legend at the EA store. Just e-mail them a picture of your crappy gifts and you may win some awesome stuff. And really, the Eddie Riggs statue alone will be better than anything else you get this Christmas.

Check out the Brutal Legend contest page for the full rules on how to win.

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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