The Transformers event in Squad Busters brought two new permanent characters: Optimus Prime and Elita-1. Since they are new characters, it is important to know their abilities before you try to use them. Not only that, these characters also come in various evolution stages.
To help you understand them better, here is an in-depth explanation of Optimus Prime and Elita-1 abilities in Squad Busters.
All abilities of Optimus Prime and Elita-1 in Squad Busters
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime is an epic character in Squad Busters who boasts boosted health and size. He has three evolution stages, and here’s how they work:
- Baby: In this evolution, Optimus Prime basically enlarge himself into a fusion size.
- Classic: In this evolution, Optimus Prime wields an Energon Axe to do a melee attack on the enemies.
- Super: In Super evolution, Optimus Prime heals himself and anyone nearby after he takes damage from enemies.
Optimus Prime is available to unlock during the first week of the Transformers event in Squad Busters.
Elita-1 is another epic character in Squad Busters that shoots a laser beam and has boosted firepower and size. She is very impressive in long range and wields a turbocharger. This character also comes under three evolution stages. Here are the details of them:
- Baby: Just like Optimus Prime in Baby Evolution, Elita-1 also becomes huge as a fusion size.
- Classic: In Classic Evolution, her attack speed is increased due to her Turbo ability.
- Super: Her Turbo ability will last longer.
Elita-1 will be available to play during the second week of the Transformers event in Squad Buster.