Art Attack Friday: Sheep Man fan art aplenty

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Art Attack Friday is your weekly look at videogame fan art created by a talented artist.

Mega Man 10 was announced a couple of days ago much to the delight of many Mega Man fans. Only a small amount of detail was revealed about the new game including one of the new bosses, Sheep Man. Fans seem to have taken an instant liking to Sheep Man as a bunch of fan art on deviantART and PIXIV of Sheep Man has already been made.

Some of the images are your standard, “Oh look at me! I’m a badass Sheep Man doing an awesome pose. I can transform into clouds that make Kracko jealous!” kind of a deal. But, there are some rather hilarious ones such as Mega Man and Proto Man equipped with Sheep Man’s “power”, Proto Man riding Sheep Man like there’s no tomorrow and Proto Man leading his flock of Sheep Mans.

You can check some of art below and visit the dA and PIXIV links above to see the ever growing collection. Man, there had better be a Shark Man boss or so help me God I will say … not nice things about Capcom on the Internets … lots of not nice things.

[Rockman Corner, via Capcom-Unity]

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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