Warning! A new brand game is approaching! Above you’ll find the new trailer for Taito’s upcoming Darius Burst on PSP, complete with fishies, lasers, and Engrish. The triumvirate of features essential to any good handheld STG. Okay, I just made that up.
This is our first look at the game in action after seeing some lovely screenshots a while back, and it’s looking pretty good. I particularly like the way the ships have been rendered to match the ones from older Darius games, and the characters seem cool enough as well. The important thing, however, is that it still features giant mechanical fish, which you can shoot with lasers.
The game hits Japan on December 24th, priced at 5,040 Yen for the hard copy or 4,000 Yen for the PSN Store download. Maybe you can play this new brand game on your new brand PSPgo.