Watch the Brutal Legend Dem-o-thon live now!

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The Brutal Legend Demo-o-thon is on now! Well, if it’s 12pm PST (3pm EST) you can click the jump and watch it live. 

So wait, what’s going on? Double Fine’s streaming a live Brütal Legend video “Demo-o-Thon” in hopes that it’ll meet its 666 Million demo download goal. It’s ridiculous, but their lofty expectations are your gain, because they have a bunch of cool stuff scheduled.

A handful of the Double Fine team will be on hand, answering questions via Twitter, and doing a whole bunch of fancy stuff on camera that’ll give you something to do instead of working/leaving the house/doing school work. Hit the jump for the live stream, and right below it a tentative schedule of events — there’s going to be a “special guest” guys!


Event Schedule (TBD): 

  • Welcome to the Dem-o-thon!
  • A Message from Tim’s Bunker
  • Drew shows how to make Brütal VFX
  • Emily shares her 10 Least Metal Albums
  • Lee reports from the field and share’s little known facts from the world of Brütal Legend
  • Colin show’s how Eddie’s power grows in the Open World of Brütal Legend
  • Erik reveals the Depth of the World of Brütal Legend
  • Brad walks you through Multiplayer Stage Battles
  • Levi draws a Brutal Caricature of one lucky fan while discussing Character design
  • Nathan, Pete, Anna, Dan and Jon talk about programming Brütal Legend and crunch time at Double Fine
  • Tasha and Dave take you inside white box animation
  • Steve gives an Axe Lesson
  • Forbidden Questions answered by a Special Guest
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Nick Chester
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