Previously on the Destructoid Comic:
Just when you think it’s the end for Destructoid, Brad Nicholson steps in to save the day. Scoring a direct hit on the Destructor-toid with energy stored in his mighty pectorals, he brings the Destructor-toid down. But for how long?
Winning comment was Chooly! His comment was:
Tom Jackson decides it’s time to take drastic measures and sends out a small, elite army to attempt to dispatch Brad Nicholson and a battle ensues on the rooftops with an astonished CTZ watching in awe. Meanwhile, members of the forums have been theorizing that the destructor-toid is being controlled by a single source. They haven’t been able to pinpoint where that is but what they do know is that the robot is being powered remotely somewhere else in the city. Our heros must then venture fourth with their newly acquired dreamcast to the location of the power source in an attempt to shut destructor-toid down.
Four new pages after the jump!
I felt that this would be a good opportunity to tie up any lose ends, and try and make some sense as to what’s happened so far. The ninjas were mentioned back on the first page, so it’s only natural they’d be the Tom Jackson’s elite army. And also the secret purpose of the 360 bots! It’s also four pages to make up for missed time.
1. Suggest what happens next!
2. Try to keep it relatively SFW.
3. You can only make a suggestion once per week.
4. Try to fit the suggestion on one page, although most of the time I will strecth it to two pages… sometimes even three!
How will Burch n’ Davis fare against the dangers of Destructoid city? Will Anthony put two and two together and realise his sister is unwittingly behind all this? Will Topher finally get the Ikaruga working? Who will save Niero?
Page #1: When it rains, it pours
Page #2: Enter … THE SHARK!
Page #3: The plot thickens!
Page #4: Annnnnnd welcome!
Page #5: Revenge of the Red Rings
Page #6: Time to formulate a plan
Page #7 + #8: The Long Way Round
Page #9 + #10: Compulsory underground level
Page #11 + #12: Run or shoot?
Page #13: HAWP to it
Page #14 + #15: Mandatory monologue
Page #16 + #17 + #18: Face to face
Page #19 + #20: Those left behind
Page #21 + #22: Goodwill hunting
Page #23 + #24 + #25: A new challenger appears!