Should you pick the male or female Rover in Wuthering Waves?

It’s not as complicated as you think.

The Main Character about to use his absorption power in the Official Launch Trailer of Wuthering Waves

With two versions of Wuthering Wave’s main character, the Rover, up for grabs at the start of the game, you might be wondering which one you should pick.

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Many gacha games will put players in this position as they will provide a male and female version of the character, and people will always want to know if there is any advantage between one or the other. In this guide, we will break it all down for you.

Is there a difference between the male and female Rover?

There isn’t any important difference between the male and female Rover. Their abilities and strengths are the same; they will use the same weapon and upgrade materials, and they will go through the story the same way. The Intimacy system that dictates your relationships with other characters will also remain the same, no matter what character you pick.

The difference between the male and female characters really boils down to things that can be determined by personal preference. Which character model do you prefer? Do you think the male or female voice actor is better? Do you typically just play as one or the other gender in your games? It honestly doesn’t matter.

The only real difference between the two characters is their attack animations. I’ve embedded a comparison video above so you can have a good look at both characters as they move through their attacks. Personally, I prefer the female animations. There is just something very cool about the behind-the-back sword work that she does after some combos.

If you are curious about the other characters and how they stack up when compared to each other, be sure to check out our Tier List to find out who is worth chasing down and investing in for your party and who is better off for simple story missions.

About The Author
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Aidan O'Brien
Aidan's first ever computer was the ZX Spectrum, and he has loved games ever since. A fan of the grind, he spends too long in anything with loot just looking to stir some dopamine from his withered brain.
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