At ComicCon, Ubisoft hosted a panel on Assassin’s Creed. For those of us who were not fortunate enough to attend, they’ve put together a video showing some of the highlights from the panel. The first half has bits of gameplay demonstration featuring some new assassinations edited together with some of the panel discussion regarding the live-action videos intended to provide more of the game’s story. The second half is an interview with Pierre Raymond of Hybride Technology, the company working on said film series. There are also a few behind-the-scenes stills of the film.
I’m not a fan of most of these media tie-ins that are being made, but they look like they’re here to stay. At least the idea that they’re really trying to recreate the game locations as closely as possible is promising, but I am fairly certain that I will not want to waste my time on the mini-series. Just give me a game that has the whole story (or, at least, enough of the story that I don’t need to hunt somewhere else) and leave it at that.
Video lies after the fold.