Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma to have an entertaining mandatory install

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When you first pop Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma into your PlayStation 3 this fall, get comfortable — there’s going to be a wait before you can play. But don’t worry, Tecmo and Team Ninja plan on making it as entertaining and painless as possible.

Speaking to a Tecmo rep at a recent Sony Holiday Preview event in New York City, we were told that Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma would require the dreaded “mandatory install.” While it’s unclear how much space it would eat up on your hard drive, we were told it could take up to seven minutes. 

But here’s the cool part — Team Ninja plans to keep you entertained the entire time. While the game is installing, you’ll be treated to a digital version of a Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma comic book, complete with sound effects. Written by Team Ninja, the comic book acts as a prequel to the game, and should mask the seven minute wait nicely. Could this trump Metal Gear Solid 4‘s “Let’s watch Snake smoke” install screens?

The comic book is the digital version of the physical book that ships with GameStop’s exclusive Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma Collector’s Edition, which should run about 30 pages. Oh, and if you get up to make a sandwich and miss the install, don’t worry — you’ll be able to go back and view the digital comic book at any time.

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Nick Chester
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